Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 29

Whelp, I've been practicing cloning. No luck so far -- been workin' on tomato plant clippings mostly. Here's the status o' the punkin patch:

Punkin Plant #1

Corn Patch

3 (or 4) punkin plants. That little guy might be seed #7 ... or a weed.

I thinned my carrot plants

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 15

My back is sore.

Dug a trench, transplanted the 6 living sprouts, and watered 'em.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 13 and 14

Only 6 sprouts still... but they're growing! Should have more pictures soon.

The major development these last two days is this: I have secured a protector for my punkin farm. I searched long and hard for somebody with the features required to keep intruders and spies at bay.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 12

Day 12 required very little effort. I didn't even have to water the plants... had a good inch or two of rain from a storm.

I now have 5 confirmed sprouts and one maybe-sprout.

4 of the 6 disaster-recovery seeds have sprouted.

2 of the 4 missing seeds have been located, one has sprouted, and the other is still in the fertile isolation chamber where manure is attempting resuscitation.

I half-expected a seed or two to show itself today due to the rain, but no luck. I'll take the new sprouts though. Really, all I need is one good plant to win this contest.

Day 11

Summary: Located two new confirmed sprouts and one probable corpse.

I did make a nice spot to hopefully revive the seed that somehow pushed its way to the surface and dried out completely. I'm hopeful. This was also one of the lost seeds. 1 of 4 found!

If you're keeping track -- I have two sprouts in the area where I expect 6, but one of the sprouts was from no-man's land where I lost 4 seeds. 2 of 4 found!

I didn't snap any pichers yet, so this is a pretty good time to watch a video:

Bob Says No!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 10

Back's feelin' better. Spread some manure an' spotted me a dang old sprout!

Confirmed Punkin Sprout #1! I named him Jim.

Possible Punkin Sprout #2! He doesn't get a name until he's confirmed. Yes, it's a boy.

I spread some manure. Yeehaw!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 9

I either have punkin or carrot sprouts, not sure which yet. The weather was nice and warm which should help get the soil temp up to a reasonable level. My back is still a little sore from what a mean doctor did to me on Friday, so I've delayed my Manure Spreadin' Party til Monday (Day 10) if it's feeling a little better.

I wish I could start over.. that disaster last week still makes me mad!

Friday, May 6, 2011

day 7 and 8

today and tomorrow will be mostly hands off. My idea is that I'm more likely to do damage to the 6-confirmed sprouts and 4 maybe-sprouts. Next major development should be day 9 or 10.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 6

I hope that Day 6 is the worst Punkin Day of this Punkin Growin'. I really goofed. I woke up, and about 3 minutes later I was in the garden with the idea of transferring my seeds/seedlings to the raised garden in back.

Not so bad, right?

Well, it got bad when I had the bright idea to somehow dump the dirt/mud that had the seeds in it upside down into one hand, then turn it back right-side up into a hole in the raised garden soil.

This was perfect in theory, and the opposite in practice.

It broke apart, and I didn't even recover all of the seeds.

I replanted 6 seeds, and could not find the rest.

I'm assuming they didn't vaporize, so I spread about a half-inch to an inch of soil over the top of the disaster area and watered it.

I know where 6 pumpkin sprouts should come up and a general area where 4 might, hopefully come up.

Cinco de Mayo is Japanese for "Death to Punkins"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 4

$22 and 760 Lbs of Manure should do the trick

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 3

Shovel Tillin' 1

Shovel Tillin' 2

Shovel Tillin' 3

Warmin' the soil a bit

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 2

  1. Planted softened seeds into some soil. Too cold outside to plant outside. Stashed this in warm spot in house until it's 70+ outside.

Day 1

  1. Push mower on its lowest setting
  2. Roundup
  3. Seeds in plastic bag to soften up